Noch 15930 family Meier in winter scale H0 1/87

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SKU: N15930 Category:

Meier family in winter.

The set for track H0 (1:87 scale, approx. 2 cm high) consists of Mr. and Mrs. Meier, their children and the grandparents.

The mother wears a green, mid-length coat over light blue pants and wipes snow from her son’s face with a white cloth. The son wears a purple hat, a dark blue jacket and orange pants. The daughter in a red jacket and purple skirt holds the tip of her father’s brown jacket. The scene is watched by the grandparents, who hold each other’s hands. While the grandfather wears a brown hat, shirt and tie under a black vest and matching gray jacket and matching pants, the grandmother is wearing a dark blue hat, purple sweater and orange skirt.