Noch 53109 helix scale H0 1/87 EXPANSION SET

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SKU: N53109 Category:

Track radius 515 / 579.3 mm, 1 or 2 tracks,

Building circle, 6 segments = 1 circle,

Level height: 87 mm.

Suitable for: Märklin C, Trix C

Connect systems of different heights!

The structure circle in track H0 with a track radius of 515/579.3 mm, 1 or 2 tracks

Each spiral track can be built on the right or left. The complete construction kit contains all necessary stands, road segments and detailed assembly instructions. You will need a basic circle for each track spiral. The number of required building circles depends on the height you want to bridge.

A spiral track – what is that actually?

A track helix is ​​a spiral in which a train travels from one level to a lower or higher level. The train therefore moves downwards or upwards in the track spiral. The spiral track has the same gradient at every point, allowing even long trains to easily overcome large height differences.

When do you need a track spiral?

The possible applications are very versatile. Here are some examples:

To reach a lower or higher level.

To get to a shadow station underneath the facility.

To connect two systems of different heights.

How is it ensured that the trains do not derail in the bends of the spiral track?

The outer curves of the track spiral have been raised by 3 mm. This significantly improves driving safety and reduces rolling resistance.

What variants of LAGGIES track helix are there?

Track spirals are available for track gauges H0 and N – precisely adapted to the specific conditions of the individual railway brands. All track spirals can be positioned on the left or right.

How can I bridge larger height differences with a spiral track?

A so-called basic circle is required for each track spiral. This basic circle includes the entry into the spiral and the exit from the spiral. Any number of building circles can be placed on this basic circle, depending on the height difference that the train has to overcome.

The basic circle: The basic circle consists of 1 ½ circles. With a basic circle, both the headroom and the entrance and exit are achieved.

The construction circle: The construction circle comprises a complete circle. Any number of build-up circles can be placed on a basic circle. This means that even the largest height differences in the smallest spaces can be easily managed.

What is the LAGGIES track spiral made of?

The set includes precision-milled roadway segments made from 4mm thick plywood and cleverly matching stands and brackets.